Not much here at the moment, but I hope you have a good good day


The idea with this site is, I do something every week (even if it's very small).

This week:

Built a very small world and tested some client/server stuff.

In the image below, two users are connected using JSON.

Can you spot them both?

1 week ago:

Activated HTTP/2, it's supposed to be an upgrade from HTTP/1.1

2 weeks ago:

Started work on a basic content managment system.

My intentions are to use the simple CMS for this site.

3 weeks ago:

I got websockets up and running and used it as a chat.

Websocket functionallity are offline for now after being done with the testing.

My tests included connecting a few users using a small game client I wrote (and have the game recive/display the chat).

Also I spawned a few connections using javascript and a webbrowser.

Everything worked as expected.

Those connected could send and revice messages.

There is something other than websockets that I want to explore.

But it's very hard for me to do and not a super high priority.

4 weeks ago:

I've been exploring some server side options, and it took more time than I wanted.

But now I think I landed on something.

Uploading it as is, would not be any good

Hopefully next week will have a meaningful update..

5 weeks ago:

very simple game

press up down (on your screen with the finger or mouse) to avoid obstacles, inspired by flappy birds (but much worse)

I'm working on something else but it just wasn't ready this week.

So I pushed this game togheter in a few minutes.

Quality of this: not high

Why I chose this project: lack of time and wanted to test a game engines web export option.
